
A black greyhound looks across the beach at sunset towards the sea
Help us find homes for retired greyhounds with a single or monthly donation today.
The Irish Retired Greyhound Trust has worked collaboratively with rehoming partner organisations throughout Ireland, the USA, Canada and across Europe, successfully finding loving and responsible forever homes for thousands of Irish retired greyhounds since 1997.
With your support, we can help even more.
Donate online
Make a donation online today through iDonate.
Alternatively, donations can be made via Paypal, through our Facebook page, or via bank transfer – please contact us for IRGT’s bank details.
Donate by post
If you’d like to send a cheque, bank draft, or postal order to us by post, please make them payable to Irish Retired Greyhound Trust and send them to:
Irish Retired Greyhound Trust
c/o Greyhound Racing Ireland
Greenpark | Dock Road
V94 Y17X