Leave a Legacy

Your legacy gift to the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust could help many greyhounds find their forever home – both now and in the future.
By pledging a gift in your Will, you can help us drive awareness and understanding of the wonderful companions greyhounds can be for families, couples, and single people alike; help us educate younger generations about what makes greyhounds so special, and help us achieve our vision, a world in which every Irish greyhound retiring from racing can retire to a loving and responsible home.
To write your Will, and ensure that all of your loved ones and causes you care about are provided for, follow the process below:
1 – List your assets
Include your car, any savings and valuable items, your home etc. as well as listing any debts.
2 – List your beneficiaries
Write down who of your loved ones and causes you support, such as Irish Retired Greyhound Trust, you would like to receive what from your estate.
3 - Consider who you might wish to act as your executor
This might be a friend or family member you trust to carry out your wishes as written in your Will, or you could appoint a solicitor to undertake the role.
4 - Make an appointment with your solicitor
They will draft your Will and ensure it is stored safely until the time comes.
To include the Irish Retired Greyhound Trust in your Will, please use our details as below:
CRN 20034849
CHY 12127
Registered address:
Irish Retired Greyhound Trust, C/o GRI, Greenpark, Dock Road, Limerick, V94 Y17X
Don’t forget, you can change or update your Will at any stage after signing it with your solicitor as changes happen in your life and amongst your family and friends.