Gift Donations and E-cards

Dog biscuits scattered on a cream background with the words, Happy Gotcha Day!
Dog biscuits scattered on a cream background with the words, Happy Gotcha Day!
Gift Donations

If you would like to make a donation to give as a gift by way of a thank you, to celebrate a birthday or other special event or anniversary, we can create a personalised a gift certificate for your recipient to thank them for their support and acknowledge your kind gift donation in their name.

Please click here to make your donation and leave a message when prompted during the online donation process and we’ll contact you to confirm where you would like the certificate to be sent (certificates are available as a digital file sent by email by the donor, or can be sent as a hard copy by post to the donor or recipient).


Virtual Cards and gifts

IRGT has a range of virtual cards and gifts available at for a variety of special occasions which can be sent by email, WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger – reduce your carbon footprint, save time and money on postage AND help greyhounds too! The Irish Retired Greyhound Trust will receive 100% of your donation.

Click here to view designs available